Tuesday, 31 May 2016

When Father Steve visits...

Father Steve Savel visits Holy Trinity once a week! Here is what the kids think!

I think that it’s fun to do the little plays with him and he shows us the stories of Jesus everyday when he comes in - Justice (grade 3)

He’s amazing and is changing the world - Connor (Grade 7)

I really enjoy Father Steve coming into the classroom.  I’ve known him for a few years because he is my priest at St. Joe’s which is my family's parish.  He puts a positive experience on me. - Drew (grade 4).

Friendly father steve is Friendly
Awesome he is awesome
Truthful he is truthful
Heart he is a good heart
Easy he is easy
Rockstar he is a rock star

Star he is a star
Truth he tells the truth
Excellent he is Excellent
Very he is very good
Extraordinary - Breanna (Grade 4)

He comes in and gives us a skit to do.  It brings life to the parables and a modern way of learning which makes it engaging, exciting and more interesting.  We all want to interact with him and the skit because it is fun in many ways. - Josh and Lilli (Grade 8)

We actually learn what he is teaching us because he makes us act it out rather than write it. - Vince (Grade 8)

He’s friends with my dad so I have a relationship outside of the church with him.  He is very engaging in the classroom and other priests haven’t been like that before.  He’s open and makes it a safe place for us to ask questions about our curiosities in our faith. His skits help us understand more about the bible and Jesus’ teachings. - Fayth (Grade 8)

He is nice to other students and other classes.and very generously to people and does nice things to all the students and have a kind heart. and are very nice when come every week and you do,not have to do that but you do that's how you are sweet and do plays. - Janelle (Grade 4)

Father Steve comes in very week to tell us about Jesus.  Father Steve is a nice person. Father Steve always has a great smile and attitude.  Father Steve helps us to make great choices every day. We love you Father Steve!  You do lots for us we should do that to you to! - Kaitlyn & Katie (grade 4)

I love Father Steve because he comes every week. Father Steve teaches us about God.  Father Steve  loves us all.  Father Steve is nice to all of us.  Every time we get hurt he helps us.  We love Father Steve - Talia and Isabella (Grade 4)

Father Steve loves god and Jesus he also helps us learn about God and Jesus. Father Steve tells stories about Jesus. He goes in our class once a week. Father Steve makes me think of Jesus. - Daniel (Grade 4)


Extraordinary - Martin (grade 4)

Father Steve comes in our classroom to do skit with us. He gave us a rosary he also comes in to pray for Jesus. You’re the best priest ever. - luke and oliver (grade 4)

I like it when we do fun stuff like skits. I also like it when you say “chow” when you have to go. I like it when you share your adventures. You are also very kind. - Nolan (grade 4)

Oh Father Steve you are the best oh you do play with us you gave me a bag so we love you very much thank god   - Tait (grade 4)

Hi my name is Father Steve Savel. I am a priest at St. Benedict's.  I visit Holy Trinity Catholic School in Sarnia every week.  I try to visit every classroom on a weekly basis to share the good news.  We always try to pray together at the beginning and we try to have a little skit or play to illustrate something from the bible or a teaching of our faith. I usually have a question period at the end of the lesson where students can ask questions about their curiosities in their faith.  The kids are very enthusiastic and welcoming and appreciate hearing a different voice.

Having Father Steve in my classroom has changed the way the students approach their faith.  They are excited to see him and are energetic about participating in his skits.  When Father Steve first starting coming into my grade 1/2 classroom the students did not know the act of contrition prayer, but after starting with this prayer every week the students have grown to be able to recite the prayer by heart.  They also know how to respond “and with your spirit” with confidence and I have noticed a difference in the unity of our school wide responses during church. Father Steve makes an effort to get to know everyone personally and is an active participator in our school community.  He volunteered himself for our annual “pie in the face” fundraiser to raise money for the terry fox foundation. He has also taken classes on tours of the church which has given the students a sense of pride and belonging and a deeper connection to their faith. Having Father Steve in our school has had a very positive impact on our teachers, parents, and students

Thank you to guest blogger, Jillian Fantuz, elementary school teacher in Sarnia, ON. She can be found on twitter @msfantuz 

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