Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Just Start... Dump the Whole Class Novel Study. A Risk Worth Taking

Since creating my first blog post several weeks ago, I've been reflecting on how to use Robin Sharma's message to just start in my classroom.  I've been contemplating whether or not to dump a traditional whole-class novel study in my English class and explore 'Book Clubs' as an alternative.  This seems like an incredibly uncomfortable risk when we are bound by the time constraints of a semester and we grimace at the potential lack of control this process proposes.
Our curiosities about tragedy
I am blessed with a group of open-minded students who have joined me on a renewed teaching journey this year... 

So I've scrapped all my old materials and changed up my teaching style dramatically with this class to allow room for greater risk-taking. It's a messy venture at times, though the results are promising.

Many of my students entered my classroom with self-deprecating thoughts and beliefs, especially about their academic abilities. 

I have seen every single one of my students shine in some way or another this term - reluctant readers have found books to love, anxious nerves have been overcome to complete oral presentations, shy thinkers have openly shared their beliefs during class and struggling writers have found their voice through greater organization and development. 

We started the unit by examining two key inquiry questions - What is love? (cue video:  Haddaway) and What is tragedy? 

I'm inspired by the variety of beliefs and experiences that these students were able to share on these topics. Love and tragedy seem to be so central to teen experience (and really, aren't they central to experience regardless of age?).

Because of these successes, we are entering the realm of book clubs. Our focus is 'tragic love' and as such we've chosen four high interest texts to examine this concept, including a graphic, plain-text novelization of 'Romeo and Juliet'!

Our curiosities about love.  Hmmm... interesting.
At any rate - we have started - and I am nervous and excited  and very uncomfortable. Will my students be able to maintain focus? Will they carry on academic discourse or get lost in distraction? Will they hold themselves accountable to ensure they're contributing to their novel study groups? Will this whole thing end in a gigantic mess full of tears, stress and a burned out teacher feeling like this was the worst idea EVER? 

I'm hopeful that all will end well - and at the very least, no matter how messy it gets - I know that the greatest risk is to not take any risks at all. Regardless of the outcome, this feels like a risk worth taking.

Thank you to guest blogger: Jordan Matteis Chatham Secondary English teacher/Student Achievement Teacher.  Mr.  Matteis @JordanMatteis blogs at The Eclectic Collection: techlecticcollection.blogspot.ca