Monday, 31 August 2015

ITs About Learning Project

I.T.'s About Learning-Teachers Collaborating and Learning out Loud!  

In the spring and summer of 2014, forty two teachers from our school board met to explore 21st Century learning and  discuss how to effectively share our knowledge. Our learning was heavily infuluened by Simon Sinek's "The Golden Circle", Michael Fullen's Alive in the Swamp and Rich Seam, Putenedura's SAMR model and TPACK , among other resources. .  We set to work over six working days at out Catholic Education Centre (and quite a few hours at home) and produced 14 modules by educators for educators by on the following topics.

We rolled out our program. After agreeing to a pre-survey/post-survey and to completing eight modules with a twelve month timeframe, teachers signed up and got down to the hard work of doing the learning and trying out new things they learned.  Each module has in it sharing of ideas, trials, successes and questions.  

Upon completion teachers received a Chromebook for their efforts for professional use both at home and in their classrooms.  So far we have over 100 of our teachers signed up and 35 have gotten their Chromebook. (They look pretty happy, don't they?)  The project continues through the next school year.

Have any questions for us?

We would love to hear how your district is helping teachers learn!